Dominate Premade Finals Interview: Team Team Team (TTT)

by Focus

What’s your favorite moment from this season?

The Cthaeh Tree: When we tried to FF but ended up winning anyway?

TeemoSCC:  Making Hugo’s riven go 0/8/0 with Garen.

LCan: Honestly, the first time we dropped a game when bert was subbing jungle. It was a tense series.

Sharing Urinals: Beating Kayge and watching him mald after. Continue reading →

Rampage Open Interview with Fat Booty Inspectors

by Kruckow

For our first Rampage Open interview of Season 7 we have undefeated Fat Booty Inspectors (FBI) talking about their split so far as well as there critical match on stream against WP tonight.

So you’re 4-0 to start the split, is this where you expected to be before Week 1?

Feathers and Fur: Truthfully, most certainly not. Due to how effectively the League tries to match the teams, one can only be confident in one’s own self coming in. I just wanted a playoff spot and to be in this position with one already clinched is something I consider myself fortunate to be in.

Rapp16: I totally expected to be 4-0. This team consists of the best of the best in Rampage Open right now.

xXC4N4D4Xx: I don’t think any of us expected to go 4-0, but it’s nice that we just sorta keep on winning.

CaptainBootyHo: I wasn’t expecting a 4-0 start for sure, but I was pretty confident in at least a 2-2 start with my duo bot partner. He is my brother and we normally have pretty good synergy in everything we do.

Major BootyyHole: Heck no, this is my first time playing competitively, not to mention me and my brother decided to go off role to have a good synergy bot lane. I am usually pretty confident, however, and I think our team is as well, that helped us win those early matches.

You have a big match tonight against WP on stream. You beat them 2-1 last time and a win will clinch 1st in your group. How are you feeling about?

Feathers and Fur: We’re not without our flaws and I wonder how much of it is due to our group. I respect them and I think they’ll give us a good fight. There’s no doubt anymore that we are the two strongest teams in our Division.

Rapp16: With comp masterminds (also known as the duo in botlane), I’m not really worried about any game anymore. As long as we don’t lose in pick/ban we have the skill to win any game.

xXC4N4D4Xx: I don’t think we will struggle too hard. Honestly, since our first set I feel we have improved immensely on what we want to do each game, but they are still the best team to contest us, and we won’t take the match lightly.

CaptainBootyHo: I definitely think they are a good team, every game with them I felt could’ve gone either way. I’m glad our streamed game is Week 5 as it shows the clear top two teams from our group. We get to play each other in a pretty crucial game. I’m pretty excited about it.

Major BootyyHole: They were the toughest series so far, and we both had a sub in the first time. I hope both teams are able to come out in full form and really show each other’s limits. Should be a great series. But we should be able to pull away with the W.

Who do you feel will be your biggest competition outside of your group heading into the playoffs?

Feathers and Fur: Looking at the other undefeated teams, Team Name Pending stands out as they have a lot of strong consistent players who can all carry a game. Low Standards is a major threat as well, having practiced against them. My sleeper pick is Space Thieves. I think their record doesn’t reflect their talent.

Rapp16: The only thing that matters is this team. I don’t even look at the other teams because they are not worth my time.

xXC4N4D4Xx: I would assume the other top teams in the other groups. maybe Group C has a lot of good teams that got a group of death, who knows. I haven’t really been able to see any of the other teams play.

CaptainBootyHo: Looking at the other groups, TNP looks pretty strong at 4-0 and they seem to be pretty dominant. Although I don’t know much about other teams as I tried to just focus on my own play and on the enemy team for the current week

Major BootyyHole: Of course, the other 4-0 teams, TNP and LS, stand out as the clear competitors. Hopefully, we get some good scrims with them before playoffs start and figure out how to beat them.

Not to get into too much strategy but you have some very off meta picks in the top half of the map while the bot lane is standard meta and consistent game to game. Are you trying to just stick to comfort picks or do you feel unconventional picks like Udyr and Illaoi give you an edge your opponents have to plan for?

Feathers and Fur: I think part of it is to force opposing teams to spend numerous first round picks against those unconventional options. If they are forced to ban it, it enables the rest of our team to get on comfortable champions or counter picks. It is never bad to be paid respect.

Rapp16: Everyone on this team is flexible enough to pick and carry on multiple champs, so the “comfort picks” are there to soak bans and allow us to play what we truly want too.

xXC4N4D4Xx: Well, when we can build a comp around these unconventional picks, it can really show the strength of some of our players. It will force bans if teams are unprepared.

CaptainBootyHo: I feel like when our top gets Illaoi (which it usually is banned) he is pretty dominant, and we can split pretty effectively in a 1-4 or 1-3-1. When it is banned, though, the games are a little harder but I think we play to our strengths pretty well, otherwise. I think the Illaoi and Ddyr picks dont really seem too unconventional at this level, and seems to be pretty common. It does eat some bans up, though, which is nice for bott lane. I pretty much stick to Xayah and Kaisa because our team feels like that’s what we need to win, so I play them.

Major BootyyHole: Flexing on others with these power picks really enables our drafts to be easier by forcing bans that allow us to get stronger lanes elsewhere.

Any closing remarks for tonight and the rest of the split going forward?

Feathers and Fur: No matter how the split ends for us, I’m proud of everyone here on my team. We’ve kept cool heads and played for the fun of the game which is crucial to my mental state. I think the fact that every other division has playoff spots still up for grabs is a testament to the parity in Rampage Open this split.

Rapp16: C4N4D4 is the best mid laner.

xXC4N4D4Xx: EZ Clap.

CaptainBootyHo: At this point, I feel pretty confident we will get into play-offs. I think we can definitely win tonight if we just stick to our game plans, and keep our mentals straight. I think our team has the potential to take it all the way this year. Also a quick shout-out to Risen Ssports as I believe I have become a stronger player because of them.

Major BootyyHole – Come out and watch the game. And spam “FBI OPEN UP” in Twitch chat for us. 

Picks to Watch on Patch 9.18

by Chase

With every patch comes changes to the meta whether big or small. I’ll be providing three to five picks from each patch that I think will rise in priority. I want to pick champions that have been more or less absent from the meta and will be seeing more priority as the patch settles in. All statistics throughout this were gathered from U.GG if you would like to take a look for yourself. Without further ado, here are my 3 picks for patch 9.18. Continue reading →

Rampage Premade Playoffs Match Preview

by Sabe and Majin Buu

Screaming Suns Gaming (7-3) vs. RIP Tuxeda (4-5)

Unlike most playoff matches, this series has a bit of a teaser. These teams clashed when trying to earn a bid for an Amatuer League Invitational spot. The previous time these two teams faced off, SSG beat RIPT in dominating fashion. While RIPT has one of the better junglers in the league, Joey H, SSG just seems to have better laners all around. If history serves, SSG’s strong laners and their propensity for early game scrapping should overwhelm RIPT, even if Joey H brings his A game.

Additional Thoughts:

  • The last time these two teams played
    • SSG midlaner, Sabé, went a combined 19/5/23.
    • RIPT Joey H had a quadra kill on Hecarim in Game 2. 
    • Widely heralded as the best roaming support in the league, Kim Jong Carry went 5/4/40 combined.

Prediction: SSG 2-0

Atlas Gaming (8-2) vs. Howling Gale Gaming (6-4)

Season records weaves a story of a dominant second seed versus a middling team with mediocre game play. However, the real narrative should be something more even. With Atlas Gaming powering down after seeing the departure of star jungler, Hjager, this matchup might just see HGG sneak by with a win. Both teams are from veteran organizations with experienced players. HGG’s top laner, AJaxX3Action, is a very experienced competitive player who has shown consistency in wins and losses with his stable Shen play. With AG’s recent roster shuffles and HGG’s deceptive regular season record HGG will barely inch out  overAtlas. If Atlas’ new players are up to par with the original then this could be a stomp, otherwise, HGG will move on to the next round.

Additional Thoughts:

  • 2 out of 4 of HGG’s losses have been forfeits
  • Atlas Gaming ADC, ShadowCat7, has shown a strong preference for the champion, Jinx, having played her in half of AG’s played series.
  • 2 out of 4 of HGG’s losses have been to RMTE, a team that is 10-0

Prediction: 2-1 HGG

United Apes of ‘Merica (6-4) vs. Krusty Krug Pizza (5-5)

UAM versus KKP looks to be KKP’s only shot at continuing through playoffs. Although Krusty Krug Pizza only made it to playoffs due to the rest of their division dropping out, they still have a chance at an upset. Their ADC, Scoliosis Steve, plays safe ADs such as Sivir who is adept at wave clear and scaling up for the late game. UAM’s bot lane looks to do the same as they’ve found success with champions such as Ezreal and Sona in the bot lane. The winner of this series will want to ban out each other’s mid laners and top laners and put all pressure to the bot side. Whichever jungler can punish the enemy’s bot laner more effectively will probably take this series with ease. If UAM can secure either Ezreal or Sivir, as well as the Orianna, then they might have the makings of a 2-0 victory over KKP.  But KKP’s botlane has proven to be consistently effective over their last few series. Their support will likely take the game over and secure a victory for his team.

Additional Thoughts:

  • Don’t give KKP picks like Urgot in the top lane. Forcing their top laner onto a tank will give UAM the upper hand.
  • Whoever can start to roll the lead on early objects will take over the game, as both bot laners prefer later game ADCs.
  • Don’t give triforce4382 Thresh or it’s an auto win for KKP.

Prediction: 2-1 KKP

Poro Snaccs (8-2) vs. Society of the Pale Moon (5-5)

PS versus SPM doesn’t look to be much of a stomp for either side. Although Poro Snaccs have an outstanding record, most of their victories have been via forfeit by their opponents. PS does look capable of taking over games with preferences toward glass cannon team comps. Their jungler, Ayyman, takes over games with his flexible champ pool and aggressive playstyle. He is no stranger to picking off meta champions that throw his enemies off guard. On the other hand, PS has a bot lane more than willing to take over the games should Ayyman’s early game pathing not pan out. PS has a top laner who has consistently given his team the tools to snowball. He likes to choose reliable tanks such as Mundo. JayooTK looks to secure a comfort pick top side in order to play a more utility side of the game for his team.

SPM plays an up front style that is more polished for the competitive scene. Their jungle, Taurus, likes to pick up champions like Sej or Nunu to facilitate his teams through ganks and easy picks off the enemy rotations. If he is able to push leads bot side for their ADC, Sardon, who has recently dominated games through his ability to put the team on his back with large leads, then SPM can easily steal this game away from Poro Snaccs. With a strong bot side, and a midlaner who almost always has priority, Taurus will have an easier time sitting bot side of the map for first few phases of the game, securing early game dragons. 

Additional Thoughts:

  • SPM looks to secure a comfort pick mid for Dr Soulkeeper as their ADC will have no issues holding his own bot side on whichever champ he can get.
  • Poro Snaccs might want to confuse SPM through countless flex picks in order to secure their preferred comfort picks in mid and top lane.
  • Poro Snaccs should have an easy time punishing the support of SPM as he has a tendency to rush more offensive items like crystal scepter or hourglass on his mage caster picks.
  • PS needs to get picks as their comps will most likely lose to the team comps that SPM looks to draft.

Prediction: 2-0 SPM