Dominate Premade Finals Interview: Mow’s Gay Bar (MOWS)

by Focus

What’s your favorite moment from this season?

Washed up Rìven: Series vs. EXAL. Reverse sweeps always feel good.

Mowglythecat: Those times I solo killed marg. Also making Risen Season 6 montage.

KennyMasterLin: Saying we have a perfect season and then we lose to TTT the week it gets published. Continue reading →

Dominate Premade Playoffs Interview: Mow’s Gay Bar

by Earleking

Note: This interview was conducted a couple of weeks ago.

In my quest for highly requested Dominate Premade content I was able to get the MOWS premade team together to conduct an interview about their season. They are the only team that went undefeated in their group beating TLI, RRE, and LLWG.

Washed Up Riven (Washed), MowglyTheCat (Mowgly), KennyMasterLin (Kenny) and Gondi Donut( Gondi) joined me for this interview. I Poop My Pants (Poop), and NautHavingABadDay(Naut) also joined a bit later. 

Your team is the only undefeated team in Risen. Did you know that?

Kenny: Obviously.

So why is that? Is MOWS just that good or are the other teams just bad?

Mowgly: Two of the teams in our group are just really bad – that’s a fact. Then TLI had some… issues.

Washed: The first time TLI just kinda trolled then the second time…

After talking it about, I found out that due to not adhering with Risen Rules, ItchyRat was unable to play in the second round robin game against MOWS. However when asked a bit more about it Mowgly said, “It wouldn’t have made a difference, let’s be real.” MOWS did say they felt bad for the rest of the team that they were unable to play with their starter. 

Do you guys think you are just straight up better than TLI even if they have Itchy?

Mowgly: No. 

Washed: Uh… I think it’s evenly matched. 

Kenny: I disagree. I think we are just better than them. That second game (that MOWS lost) was just me trolling with Gondi. It was just the two of us trolling.

Washed: I think that in form we are better, but we can definitely lose to them. It’s a close matchup. 

Speaking of good teams, are there any teams you are looking out for in playoffs?

Kenny: MOWS open.

Mowgly: Probably EXAL. We kind of go boom every time we play them.

So how have scrims been going against them then?

Mowgly: I don’t think we’ve won a single game against them. 

Washed: No, no. We won our first scrim set so we are now 2-4 against them. It was when I went like 18-1 on Fiora  and I was running around killing everything.

Does that mean MOWS can only win through WashedUp then?

Kenny: I disagree. I’ve never dropped a game against them. (Kenny was not playing in the losses)

Mowgly: The whole team has just changed so much since the last time we scrimmed them… I don’t know.

Washed: We haven’t played against them since Kardi left.

Kenny: We have an actual jungler now.

Washed: We just hate playing against their jungler.

Kenny: I don’t think it’s we… It’s more Hugo hates playing against him because he ganks top a lot. 

Washed: No. His pathing just doesn’t make sense. 

Is he a good jungler though?

Mowgly: Yes.

Washed: As Kayge put it, hes a SoloQ jungler and when Kayge asked him what he does for his pathing, he just said, “I don’t know.” The jungler himself has no clue what he’s doing. 

Kenny: Which is big-brained. 

Anyone else on EXAL particularly good?

Mowgly: Their mid laner isn’t bad. He is just me but worse from what I’ve seen. 

Washed: I think their mid is ok. 

Mowgly: I saw his Syndra. It was not impressive. 

Washed: Their top is also pretty good now. Their old top was bad. He was literally worse at his one trick than I am.

Kenny: I feel like EXAL is just going to lose when we play against them. 

At this point Poop joined the interview.

I didn’t hear anything about their botlane? Do you just smash that lane every game?

Mowgly: Look… lets just say an over-agressive support with an over-defensive ADC doesn’t work very well. 

Washed: Yeah… Angel is a dirty inter and Kayge is a KDA whore.

Kenny: I feel like with me playing botlane with either Gondi or Poop we could definitely just beat them. 

Quickly, are there any other teams besides EXAL you are looking out for?

Mowgly: For teams that could be a challenge, EXAL and both teams from Group F. I don’t know that much but they only lost to each other – SLE and RRG. Other than that, I either don’t know the teams enough or they just don’t look impressive.

Kenny: I think we win every single bot lane other than against Hurtnandez. They just play really interesting…

What about TTT? I heard they are good.

Mowgly: They have just gotten way too many FF wins for me to judge them at all.

Washed: Yeah, I just heard they are pretty good. 

Mowgly: The game they looked really strong in, me and Kayge actually took a look at, they were playing UNO and UNO was just trolling. It was the only way I could describe it. 

Washed: All I can say – the guy who’s player 4 on TTT, I can respect that name. 

Trying to get an answer from each person here, in each of your roles, what player are you most looking forward to facing?

Naut: I don’t know his name, but EXAL’s jungler. EXAL’s jungler just triggers the shit out of me. He played Udyr and smacked my sorry ass in playins. That was an experience. Jungling was not fun. Then we scrimmed them and he pulls out Warwick. Not once but twice. That is the anti-fun champion. You don’t do anything against him. He comes in, he does what he wants. He hits Q if he gets low and he walks out. It’s as simple as that. So playing against that guy may tilt but beating him would be very satisfactory. 

Washed: I don’t know many of the top laners apart from Terry and Chase. So those two are the fun ones because I consider them better than me and just really good. The other one, EXAL’s top, their new one is pretty decent. 

Naut: What about Peach next week?

Washed: Peach is free. I love Peach but I think he’s me but a little worse. Think about it. Peach is another hardstuck Riven one-trick with negative winrate. 

Kenny: So besides Hurtnandez, the most fun player to play against would be myself. But unfortunately that wouldn’t work out. 

Mowgly: For me, from other groups there is no other mid that I’m interested in playing against that I haven’t already done so. My answer would probably be Margine. Marg has by far been the best mid laner I have gone against in both seasons of Risen I have played in. He so incredibly consistent on the champions he plays and just pops off out of nowhere. I can be up three kills and he is still a threat to me. I’d really want to fight him again in playoffs if possible. 

Poop: Everyone sucks, I don’t want to play against anyone. I hate this game. 

Gondi: Leagues in general are so irrelevant to me. I don’t search up anything, I just wait for you guys to tell me what to do and I just play the games. I just kinda rinse and repeat. I don’t think anyone is gonna be better than me or worse. I just think everyone is the same and I just play to the game. 

After taking a look through your past games, I’ve noticed Mowgly has just been insanely consistent.

Mowgly: I’m a KDA player. 

Washed: Nah, Marc’s good point in general is consistency. 

Mowgly: The champs I play that are good in team fights just got buffed so that’s probably why. 

Washed: With Neeko he actually makes good flash plays and such. 

Is that why Mowgly has basically become an Orianna one-trick?

Washed: Yeah, Neeko has just been getting banned. 

Mowgly: Why would I not play it? Ori does everything Neeko does but from range and has a better build path.

10 Thoughts Headed into Week 1 of Dominate Premade

by Earleking

Not sure how many of you guys read any LCS content but for those of you that do, I promise this isn’t a blatant rip-off of their “10 Thoughts” series. For those of you that don’t, I would definitely recommend reading that series. It’s pretty good and interesting. Anyway, I am hoping to try and make this a weekly series but we’ll see how that goes. For this first week it is going to be mostly just thoughts on how teams look because what else is there to go on? The season hasn’t even started.

One last thing, I don’t have the chance to watch all of these games (just play-ins for now) – I am going off U.GG and match histories. Sorry for any inaccuracies.  Continue reading →